QuickPay/Zelle 奉獻

美國多家主要的銀行(包括:Bank of America, Capital One, Chase Bank, PNC, and Wells Fargo等等)都支持通過Quickpay/Zelle快速現金支付,如果你的銀行不支持Zelle,你也可以直接通過 www.zellepay.com 網站實現,只要你擁有任何一家美國銀行的帳戶就可以,詳情請查詢Zelle網站。

如果你希望通過 QuickPay/Zelle 提交你的奉獻予New York Chinese Evangelical Free Church (紐約華人播道會),請將你的奉獻支付至:giving@nycefc.org 請準確填寫以下資料:

  • 收款人郵箱 (Recipient’s Email): giving@nycefc.org
  • 收款人名稱 (Recipient’s Name): New York Chinese Evangelical Free Church
  • 給收款人的信息 (Message to Recipient): 請包含你的姓名,地址,電郵,電話,及奉獻用途。

Several major banks in the US support sending money through Zelle. Examples include Bank of America, Capital One, Chase Bank, PNC, and Wells Fargo. You may go to your online banking site to see if this service is available for your institution.

If your bank does not offer a service for sending money via Zelle, you may still be able to do so through Zelle, a digital payments network that allows people to send or receive money to or from anyone with a U.S. bank account. To learn more about this service, visit www.zellepay.com.

To give via Zelle, send your offering to giving@nycefc.org. Specify the following information:

  • Recipient’s Email (Required): giving@nycefc.org
  • Recipient’s Name (Required): New York Chinese Evangelical Free Church
  • Message to Recipient (Required): include your Name, Address, Email, Address, Phone Number, and purpose(s).