亞馬遜微笑/Amazon Smile

亞馬遜購物網站有一個計畫叫做 “亞馬遜微笑”,可以讓你將每次在其網站上購物金額的0.5%根據你的意願奉獻給你所指定的符合條件的非盈利機構,紐約華人播道會(NYCEFC)正是符合此條件的教會。為了讓你每次在亞馬遜購物(符合 Amazon Smile 條件的產品)金額的0.5%奉獻至紐約華人播道會,請在購物之前,點擊這裡 smile.amazon.com 或上面的“Go to smile.amazon.com”圖標,進入亞馬遜的網站才開始購物(你也可以bookmark這個連接在你的瀏覽器裡)。這樣,你每次的亞馬遜購物(符合 Amazon Smile 條件的產品)都會有0.5%的金額會奉獻至紐約華人播道會。

Amazon runs a program called “Amazon Smile” whereby it will donate 0.5% of your purchases to the eligible charity of your choice. NYCEFC is registered as an eligible charity. To take advantage of this, you need to make your purchases on this link smile.amazon.com or click the above “Go to smile.amazon.com” banner.