1)如何設置在亞馬遜微笑(AmazonSmile)網站上購物時會將0.5%的購物奉獻金額轉入你所選擇的紐約華人播道會(NYCEFC)?How to setup AmazonSmile to make sure the 0.5% of purchase amount will be deposited to NYCEFC?
你可以在登錄Amazon購物網站之前,先點擊以下鏈接 https://smile.amazon.com/ch/11-3522531 進入Amazon網站再行購物,你將會在網站看到下圖所示之信息,標註著”Supporting:New York Chinese Evangelical Free Church”的字樣,那就確定你0.5%的購物奉獻金額將會存入紐約華人播道會。
Before going to Amazon.com, click this link https://smile.amazon.com/ch/11-3522531 instead, and then you will see the below circled information on Amazon website: “Supporting: New York Chinese Evangelical Free Church” which means your 0.5% purchase amount will be deposited into NYCEFC account after you place your order.
2)奉獻中該包含什麼信息?What kind of information should be included within my offering?
a) 姓名(Full Name)
b) 地址(Address)
c) 電話(Telephone)
d) 電郵(Email)
e) 奉獻用途(Purpose)
3)如果我還有其他問題,該如何聯繫?If I have further questions, what can I do?
你可發送電郵至(Email To):giving@nycefc.org ,或撥打電話(Call):718-748-5421 查詢。